Hello, I'm Naufal

Web & Mobile Developer

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About Me

Hi, I'm a passionate mobile and fullstack developer with expertise in creating high-quality applications. I specialize in building responsive, user-friendly mobile and web interfaces, as well as robust backend systems. As a distinction graduate from Bangkit Academy, I have honed my skills through real-world projects and industry collaborations.

I'm constantly learning new technologies and methodologies to stay at the forefront of mobile and web development. My goal is to build innovative solutions that enhance user experiences and solve real-world problems.

My Skills

Key technologies and tools I work with


Frontend Skills


Backend Skills

Mobile Development

Mobile Development Skills

Tools & Others

Development Tools

My Projects

Check out some of my recent work

Permintaan Aktif Kuliah

Permintaan Aktif Kuliah

Aplikasi berbasis web untuk permohonan surat aktif kuliah.

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StunBy: Aplikasi Pelacakan Pertumbuhan Bayi Indonesia

StunBy: Aplikasi Pelacakan Pertumbuhan Bayi Indonesia

Aplikasi mobile komprehensif untuk memantau dan mencegah stunting pada anak-anak Indonesia.

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TangkapIn: Sistem Deteksi Senjata Otomatis

TangkapIn: Sistem Deteksi Senjata Otomatis

Sistem keamanan pintar yang otomatis mendeteksi senjata pada rekaman CCTV.

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Kilangan Tebu: E-Commerce Platform

Kilangan Tebu: E-Commerce Platform

Platform e-commerce untuk penjualan produk lokal Kilangan Tebu.

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Sistem Pendaftaran Magang Bank Nagari

Sistem Pendaftaran Magang Bank Nagari

Sistem manajemen magang komprehensif untuk kantor pusat Bank Nagari.

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Ruang Ease: Sistem Peminjaman Ruangan

Ruang Ease: Sistem Peminjaman Ruangan

Aplikasi peminjaman ruangan dengan fitur review dan manajemen reservasi.

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Get In Touch

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I'm currently open for freelance work and collaboration opportunities.
Feel free to connect with me on any of these platforms!